Thursday, February 7, 2008

PR tips from the Pros

PR professionals are known by journalists as “fluff writers,” “spin writers,” and “flacks.” Some say there is no difference or don’t separate PR from propaganda. So, commonly asked questions among young entry level PR professionals are; how do you get “in” with journalists, reporters, and other news mediums? How do you get your client in the news?
Moving through my CCPA courses, I’ve had professors who have been in the PR industry for a long time. The one thing I have heard over and over is, “You have to know how to write!” You hear a whole spiel about how young people today don’t know how to write. After listening to Victor Godinez, a reporter for The Dallas Morning News, as a guest speaker in a class; I heard the exact same comment. (I know, professors really do know what they are talking about!) He talked about how journalists see poorly written emails from PR professionals and how that is a major turn off to the PR industry. On numerous PR blogs I’ve seen “proof your emails.” This also goes for press releases and anything else you present to be in the news. So, the first piece of advice you are given is, know how to write, and know how to proof what you write.
Another common tip came from , which said to make connections with key local media people within your publics. Journalists supposedly respond better to PR professionals they have established a relationship with. Victor Godinez commented on how it is best to put a name with a face, so, he recommended that you take the time to interact with journalists face to face and not just on the phone or through email. I know in my little work experience, I am more receptive to people I know fairly well and not just on a professional level, but outside the job.
These are two tips I found that were common and seemed valuable to new PR majors and professionals looking for help. I found a blog that has a post called “Don’t be a flack: Tips for PR workers from the journalists who hate them.” As a person in the PR and communications realm I was a little bothered at first, but then I read the tips and I must say, I had heard some of them before and I found that some were new to me but, I think they will be helpful in the future.
If you have any other tips you think I have missed that are key to a PR professional’s success feel free to leave your advice and let me know what you think of what I found so far.

Check out some of these sites for expert’s tips and advice:






Kami Huyse said...

Keep looking for answers. Good lick with your quest to learn social media this semester.

Rene said...

good points! I like all of the links you posted as well!

College Bloggers said...

Did you say: I know, professors really do know what they are talking about? You're right, sometimes, maybe. Good initial posting, but here's a suggestion: bring something new to the conversation.